We ran in the Santa Cruz 10k today. My mom, grandma (she'll be 75 next month), my sister, and I decided to do this together! Last Saturday my mom unfortunately hurt herleft leg just below her knee. She was devistated over this because she was really looking forward to the 10k. She had been training hard and was looking at being able to finish within 1 hour and 30 mins.
She went on and decided to partake in the event and was told that if she could make it to a first aid station and couldn't go any further then they would bring her back down. I was very proud of my mom even though I was worried at the same time about her leg. Any how she did have to be taken back down the hill and was able to slowly walk across the finish line to 3 paramedics waiting for her. The volunteers that helped her out were awesome and I wish I knew their names!
So here goes:
My mom: walked a total of 3 miles in 1 hour and 15 minutes (with a hurt leg).
My Grandma: finished the 6.2 miles in 1 hour and 49 minutes.
She placed 1,091 out of 1,114 competitors. She averaged 17:40 minutes per mile!
She also placed 3rd in her age division....Grandma Rocks!
My Sister: finished in 1 hour and 5 minutes.
She placed 609 out of the 1,114 competitors. She averaged 10:36 minutes per mile!
Me: I finished in 1 hour and 10 minutes.
Placed 754 out of 1,114 competitors. I also averaged 11:20 minutes per mile!
I am extremely proud of all of us and we couldn't have done it without the support of eachother, our friends, and our family!
coming into the finish line