Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I've been tagged....

Sally tagged me and I'm supposed to list 5 weird things about myself, even though there are far more than 5....

1. I love to watch cows run and play(frolic). I have no idea why, I just think they are way cute.

2. Little things amuse me, like using an electric pencil sharpener next to the T.V. The T.V. gets all fuzzy.

3. I don't like Kubby the Bear. Kubb Country's mascot. He is very freaky and I've had numerous nightmares about him.

4. When I eat Strawberry Short Cake I don't like to eat the strawberries on top of the short cake. It has to be seperate otherwise the shortcake gets all soggy and gross.

5. I sleep with a blanket that has silk around the edges. Started as a child, my sister and I would call it tickle. We would fold the silk into a point and rub it on our face. Very relaxing.........

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Butler Household is EXPANDING!!!

Guess what???? Kara is going to be a big sister!!
We are happy to say that we are expecting and are due sometime around
the beginning to middle of May.
We thought it would be cute to let Kara announce our special news
by wearing it. Below Kara is proudly wearing her
"I'm going to be a BIG sister" t-shirt.