Sunday, February 06, 2011

Kara turns 6!

Kara turned 6 on January 27th.
I can't believe she is already 6!! Seems like yesterday I brought my little "sweet pea" home from the hospital.
She is now in kindergarten(thinks she can go to first grade now that she's 6), reading, and is amazing to talk to!!

Daddy and Michael brought these balloons to school for her.

She chose to wear this to school (minus the headband)

...and because it was her birthday she decided she needed to wear a party dress and party shoes (a bit scuffed from playing at school).
She added the jacket and pants because she wanted to go to the back yard with Daddy.

love this face


make a wish....

this little guy was our youngest birthday guest!
Michael loves his cousin!

Kara loves him too!!
William is such a handsome boy..just like my brother!

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