Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Pea!!

My baby girl is turning 5 tomorrow! I can't believe how fast time has gone. I can remember being pregnant with her and the way she always stretched out right when I got comfortable in bed. I remember everything about my labor and deliver, it was the most wonderful experience I have ever had.... The first time I was alone with her and held her was the most magically, surreal feeling I've had.
The past 5 years with Kara have been an absolute BLAST!! She is such a smart, beautiful, and fun-loving little girl. It's hard to believe that she will be in kindergarten next year at the same school that I teach at.
I can't wait to see her learn new things.
Her first picture.....January 27th 2005
January 27th 2006....1 years old

January 27th 2007....2nd Birthday

January 27th 2008......3rd Birthday

January 27th 2009.....4 years old

5 years old--January 27, 2010.

Donavan took some beautiful photos of Kara in her Alice in Wonderland Costume. We had an Alice in Wonderland themed Tea Party. She was able to invite 2 friends from preschool and then her friends Charlotte, Rachel, and Madison.

The party was amazing! My mom helped me out with it BIG Time!!

I'll post pics from the party later!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Kara! Total trip to see all those pictures! What a difference a year (or 5!) makes.
