Sunday, July 12, 2009

Kennedy Meadows

We went camping at Kennedy Meadows this weekend with my sister and her crew and Wayne's cousin Sabrina and her family and one of their friends. All together there were 18 of us! We had a blast fishing and just hanging out! The kids were extremely tired at the end of the trip not to mention extremely dirty. Here are just a few pics from the weekend!

Kara, Michael, and their cousin Aaron playing on a stump (they loved this stump)!

Trevor waiting to go fishing

Tradition of Corinna and I. Started waaaayyyy back at Disneyland when Chelsea was 4..(that was 9 years ago)!

Kara and Michael on a log waiting for daddy to join them...after he fell on the first attempt...

Right before this shot Wayne was jumping up to sit next to the kids and as he was trying to take the backpack off he fell backwards off the log! It was hilarious!! I wish I had the camera ready for that. I made sure he was ok before I continued to laugh!

awww....I love this picture

Kara took this of us...pretty good job

It's Batman....well if he was a blonde haired 2 year old with dirt on his face....

Kara was equally just as dirty!

They do their own poses! Not sure what Kara is doing...

My babies fishing can't really see Michael but he is saying Cheeeesssseee...

This was taken in a beautiful meadow that we hiked to.

My sister Corinna and I. I love her bunches!!

Michael and his cousin Aaron yelling at us from their "stump". They had such a great time together.
We had such an awesome time camping with everyone. Can't wait for the next trip!

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