Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's Fair Time...

We went as a family to the fair tonight. Kara and Chelsea were dancing in Denisa's School of Dance Showcase. They both did a great job! We got to see our friends, the Rawlings and the Garrison's there. The kids couldn't wait to ride the ponies and Kara was dying to go on the ferris wheel. She asked about it last year but she didn't get to, so Mommy promised her she would take her on it (Mommy doesn't care for ferris wheels)! After doing a quick walk through the animals Wayne and Michael headed home while Kara stayed with me and enjoyed the Sawyer Brown concert...love them!!Had to take a picture next to the race car. Michael loves race cars!

My little cuties waiting for the ponies

C'mon Michael...one little smile.....

Enjoying the ride. They had the entire ride to themselves!

Oh No here we go! I wasn't ready...Kara was!

Mommy: Just breathe. In and out! You will be fine.....sweat beads forming!

My two handsome guys waiting for Kara to start dancing.

There she is...

"Pretty Picture"


"Cotton-Eyed Joe"
So the next picture I had to take! Donavan took some great pictures of myself back in February as a Valentines gift for Wayne. She decided to enter several pictures in the Fair and mine was one of them.
Trying to recreate the pose! It won 2nd place! Way to go Donavan!

And this picture was one that she took of Corinna, Tim, and the kids. Check out the blue ribbon! And she thought she wouldn't win.....

1 comment:

  1. thank you for your sweet comment!!! I love reading your blog, too! Your kids are adorable!:-) Can I link you on my blog? Thanks!!
