Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008...a year in review

So Donavan did this post on her site so I had to copy her. Enjoy the snap shots of 2008!

January.....Kara's 3rd Birthday

February.....My mom and dad celebrate 35 years of marriage with a vow renewal ceremony and party

March....Kara's first dance recital

April...Wayne turns 30!

May...Michael turns 1!

June.....We celebrate 5 years of marriage and Kara has her 2nd (but 1st big) recital!

July...Summertime means swim lessons and the county fair


September.......Billy gets married....Corinna and I are proud big sisters!


November......The house goes on the market

December.......Christmas time!!!!

Well 2008 ends tonight and we welcome 2009 with hopes of bigger and better things to come. This past year has had many ups and downs for our family.....but I am confident that we will have a bright 2009!!


  1. It was nice to look back of your year! Yes you had many ups and downs, but honestly that's what keeps us going!!! Happy New Years!

  2. I love your year end summary. Very cute. I haven't been to your blog in awhile. I've been bad about keeping up on my blog visiting!!
