Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's been a long week.....

So last Wednesday evening Wayne left for his brother's wedding in Montana. I was glad he was going because he hasn't seen his brother since Kara was around 5 months old and his mom was last here right after Michael was born, but at the same time I knew I would miss him terribly! So it's been just me and the kids for 5 long days. They've been pretty good except for a few days....thinking they were missing Daddy and were acting out because of it. Once he left things got a tad crazy. Our house was invaded by ANTS!! They were in the kitchen, on the coat closet door, the thankfully my bug guy came and sprayed the inside of the house at 7am on Friday morning. I got the urge to just do some major cleaning around the house...bathrooms from top to bottom. I mowed both lawns today while it was stinkin' HOT outside.....and then after the kids went to bed I somehow got the wonderful idea to clean the garage....WHY.....I DON'T KNOW!! However I did discover that I didn't have as much stuff that Wayne thought I had and has been telling me I need to go through it!! But it's now time for me to shower and get to bed and I am happy to say my HUBBY is coming home tomorrow evening!! Yay....we have been missing him terribly!! For now I leave you with a couple of pics of Kara and Michael...

My mom and I went to Target recently and Kara decided she was going to try on a bra. I don't think she realizes that she isn't quite ready for them or at it is upside down!

I just absolutely love Michael's eyes and his infectious smile.....don't you?

1 comment:

  1. i feel your pain. last week robert was gone for work in lodi and my mom was gone so i was alone all day all week w/ the kids!!!yikes!!
