Friday, May 16, 2008

Updates Galore...

Things have been so busy in my neck of the woods. Work has been extremely crazy....end of the year testing and whatnot. Lots of things happening at the Butler household too. Michael is officially facing forward in his carseat now. He loves much more to see and enjoy instead of the back of the seat. He says Mama, Dada, something that sounds like "bye"...and he pretends to snore! He has 10 yes 10 teeth....which he has been biting at his sister with....not fun. Kara is doing great too. We are still going to's slowly getting better. Hopefully she will be all ready for her big recital in June. Potty training is progressing very very slowly. Anyways enjoy the pics.... I think Michael looks a bit like my brother did when he was this age...

Daddy dressed Kara in Michael's "9 month" size pants!!
Sooo I think Michael has seen me on the phone way to much....what do you think?
Trying to put away groceries and I found this....

Michael loves to do this now...

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