Monday, May 05, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday.....

My special little guy is the big 1 year old today!! I can't believe how fast this past year has gone by. Michael is amazing. He has the sweetest smile, the biggest and brightest blue eyes, and a great laugh that will make you laugh. Michael has learned and grown so much.....he has a total of 8 teeth already, has been walking since he was 10.5 months, loves to feed himself unless it's on a spoon...and loves his big sister, Kara, to death!! Although I am sad that he is my last baby that I get to experience all the wonderful "baby's firsts".....I look forward to watching him learn and grow into the world of Toddlerhood and beyond.

The first time I held was love at first sight!!

Donavan captured this photo during his first bath.....I love his bright eyes.....

Yester day we celebrated with our wonderful family and friends as a "Farm" themed party at Grandmas and Papa's house. Pics will be posted later.....I gotta get to work..

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE MICHAEL!!! much love.....
