Sunday, March 09, 2008

My Michael...... so into putting things into his mouth. Seriously, it doesn't matter what it is, if he can pick it up the first place it goes is to his mouth. He is really into getting his sister's toys to drool all over, being very careful not to do it while she is watching!! If she sees him with any of her toys it turns into a screaming fit on both ends. I would have to say he is teething once again and we have been keeping an eye out for the 8th tooth to appear! poor Strawberry Shortcake doesn't stand a chance against Michael's drool

she's hanging on for dear life!

so after Strawberry Shortcake Michael moved onto a carrot that goes in Kara's play kitchen

Michael was safe drooling on Kara's prized toys because his sister was safe and sound asleep on the back of the couch.....
....yes my friends, she often falls asleep in the strangest of places. I believe on this night she was pretending to be a kitty cat!

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