Thursday, January 03, 2008

Pick your battles.... what I am trying my hardest to do while raising a very active almost 3 year old! Recently Kara has been occasionally choosing what she wants to wear. Well yesterday she insisted on wearing her Halloween shirt. So I let her, well then she thought that since she had her Halloween shirt on that she should be able to go trick-or-treating. That was fun explaining to her that she couldn't go trick-or-treating....she kept telling me that she could. Well anyways, later that night after her bath I started to put her jammies on. Oh no, that wasn't going to happen!! She through a huge fit, had to wear her Halloween shirt. I took a deep breath and gave we compromised.....jammies on first and she could wear the shirt over them.

1 comment:

  1. you are one silly girl kara mae!! keep your mom on her toes! i've taught you well grasshopper.......
