Thursday, December 06, 2007

Busy week and just a couple of cute pics

This week has been a very long busy week for me. Tuesday morning I was putting the kids in the car and set my tub of lesson plans and materials on the roof of my car....well I forgot it there and as I was going up Bradley Overhead on Yosemite Parkway the tub went flying with all my stuff in it. Couldn't stop so I took the kids to my mom's house turned around and had to retrieve my lesson plans..which to a teacher is like a bible! Well laying in the road I found half of my binder with all the lesson plans mostly intack with only a few tire marks on them. What a relief...well then I turned onto Baker Drive (back way to Coffee Rd) and littered all over the place was...yep you guessed stuff.
I managed to find my almost completed application for my clear credential and a ziploc bag of halloween pics of the dad, the wonderful dad that he is went out and picked up nearly all my papers....even though he has a bad cold...chills and all. Aren't dads AWESOME!! All he asked for in return was to bring him some chicken noodle soup. After school Trevor and I drove over and picked up the remaining papers...well the ones we could get too.
I am laughing at what happened now, but on Tuesday I wanted to go home and crawl back into bed!!
Well enough about that...I leave you with some cute pics of the kids and stuff.

Kara loves to wear my shoes...don't you love the black heels and pull-up look
My handsome Michael
Madison came over to help her mom take our picture for our Christmas card and decided to chew on my chair....

What....I'm not doing anything!!

Isn't she a cutie!!

1 comment:

  1. too cute!!! and really Madison is innocent, it's not her fault the chair taste so yummy!
