Monday, December 31, 2007

Good Times...

The day after Christmas we went over to Sally and Adrian's house for some dinner and to visit with friends. We finally got to me Aiden, Steve and Carol's little guy. He is such a cutie! All the kids had a great time playing and we had fun visiting with other adults.
My little carpenter...Michael
Madison and Michael making music
And now for the wild and crazy kids....Kara, Rachel, Charlotte, and Adrian
The girls had a blast playing with Adrian...he would pick all 3 up and swing them up and down in the air.....they would end up laughing all tangled up on the floor.

Monday, December 24, 2007

being crafty...

I love the look of felt mom gave me a few that were on our Christmas tree when I was little. So on Saturday I decided that I would make some as gifts. I made 3 for my friend from work, her birthday is on Christmas Day! They were a snowflake, simple circle design, and a tree (no picture..oops). I then made a green and white heart like the blue one in the pics for Wayne's grandma. The rest of them are in the pics below. These were not hard to make, just took some time with my kiddos wanting all my attention.Back Row: the first one with the football is for Trevor. I made it in his team colors from Rookie Football. In the middle is the one for Scarlett. She is an animal lover so I decided to make her a scottie dog. I love scotties, and love how this one turned out. The last in the back row is for Chelsea. This is also a favorite of mine.
Front Row: the blue and grey heart is for my grandma on my dad's side. I really like how the denim blue and heather grey look up against eachother. In the middle is one I made for my grandma on my mom's side. It matches the tree ornaments that my mom made for everyone at her cookie exchange a few weeks ago. The last one in front is for my mom. This one seems very retro to me. I loved it so much that I made a second one for me!!

Here is another shot of them.

I love being somewhat crafty! I will never compare to what my mom does...she is the master of craftiness!! But I can work well with felt...last year it was our stockings, this year ornaments, and hopefully next year it will be my tree skirt.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Look what we did!!

So I loved the way Sally's girls' hair cut looked so I decided to have my mom cut Kara's shorter. I must say that I absolutely love it, love it, love it!!
Michael just hanging out in the car

Monday, December 10, 2007

When it pours!!

Have you ever felt scared to leave your house? I'm and feeling that way right now! Everyone who reads my blog (I can probably count them on one hand) knows about my misrable ordeal with the basket on top of my car mishap last week. I thought that was a horrible day...well fast forward to today. I get to my mom's house to find out that Kara has a yucky stomach bug and made a mess of my mom's living room. Get her home and off and on we are visiting the bath tub to clean my poor girl up. Wayne gets home and decides to work on his new hobby...knife making. All of a sudden he rushes in straight to the bathroom and says he needs help. You guessed it he cut himself. It's not a little cut either....both of us bandaged him up as best we could and decided that he needed to make a trip to the E.R. Wayne is not one to go to the Doctor let alone the hospital unless it is it must be bad...well at least worthy of 1 or 2 stitches.
So here I am keeping a constant vigil over Kara trying to catch her before she gets sick on my carpet of couch and wondering how bad Wayne's cut is and how long will he be sitting in the wonderful E.R. that Merced has to offer.
Here is the BIG question: Do I call in for a sub tomorrow or go to work?? I do know that sub or not I have my first day of teaching a Language Arts Intervention tomorrow right after school and I will be there for that!!
I am trying to be optimistic that next month will be much much better than this month.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

My camo clad cuties

So Wayne ordered Michael and Kara some camo outfits! He did this when Kara was a baby so he had to do it again. I do have to agree that they are very cute all dressed up!Daddy and his "little hunters"
Where is Kara?Now this was Kara in her 1st camo outfit...around 3-4months.
Her and Michael look so much alike!
Where is Michael?
They look like they only have one torso in this pic...kinda creepy yet cute.
Michael was trying to eat the camera

Busy week and just a couple of cute pics

This week has been a very long busy week for me. Tuesday morning I was putting the kids in the car and set my tub of lesson plans and materials on the roof of my car....well I forgot it there and as I was going up Bradley Overhead on Yosemite Parkway the tub went flying with all my stuff in it. Couldn't stop so I took the kids to my mom's house turned around and had to retrieve my lesson plans..which to a teacher is like a bible! Well laying in the road I found half of my binder with all the lesson plans mostly intack with only a few tire marks on them. What a relief...well then I turned onto Baker Drive (back way to Coffee Rd) and littered all over the place was...yep you guessed stuff.
I managed to find my almost completed application for my clear credential and a ziploc bag of halloween pics of the dad, the wonderful dad that he is went out and picked up nearly all my papers....even though he has a bad cold...chills and all. Aren't dads AWESOME!! All he asked for in return was to bring him some chicken noodle soup. After school Trevor and I drove over and picked up the remaining papers...well the ones we could get too.
I am laughing at what happened now, but on Tuesday I wanted to go home and crawl back into bed!!
Well enough about that...I leave you with some cute pics of the kids and stuff.

Kara loves to wear my shoes...don't you love the black heels and pull-up look
My handsome Michael
Madison came over to help her mom take our picture for our Christmas card and decided to chew on my chair....

What....I'm not doing anything!!

Isn't she a cutie!!

Cristmas Parade

So last weekend was the Christmas parade in Merced. It was pretty chilly out, but the kids were happy to see the sites and catch any candy thrown their way! Chelsea was marching in it with her school band...Weaver Wild Cat Band.

Scarlett, Kara, and Trevor waiting for the parade to start

Michael all bundled up and cozy

I love this picture of my mom...what a beauty she is

Mr and Mrs Enos...aka..Tim and Corinna

My dad and Billy....look a likes!