Wednesday, February 14, 2007

BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!

We got the crazy idea to start potty training Kara. Last night after dinner, we finally went and bought Kara her new potty chair! Her pediatrician suggested that we have her sit on it after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Well today I did just that....only she wouldn't go after breakfast or lunch. Obviously, I am thinking..."is she even ready for this?" I know, I know..we just started, should give it some more time. Well after dinner I had her sit on it while I was warming her bath water. I kept asking her if she was going pee-pee, and of course she kept answering with ", No Mommy!" When her bath was ready she stood up and sure enough she had gone potty! I was very excited and gave my BIG girl high fives. We got so excited we had to call daddy in and show him what she did. I am still wondering if we are all ready for this new adventure. My goal would be for her to be completely potty trained when Michael is born. We shall see..........