Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Santa Claus 3....Kara's first trip to the movies

Last night we went to the movies with the rest of my family: mom, dad, sister and her family, brother, and his girlfriend Lacey. Wayne wasn't able to go since he had to work. Well anyways we went and saw the Santa Claus 3. It is a very cute movie and Kara did great! She sat through most of the movie and then stood in front of us for the rest. She would clap and yell "ooohhhh, and wow!!" Grandma and Grandpa also bought her very own popcorn, well she shared with mommy. She cleaned the bag out and still wanted more. All in all I can say the first trip to the movie theatre with Kara was a success.

Just a cute pic of Kara reading a book. She LOVES her books!!

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