Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I've been tagged....

Sally tagged me and I'm supposed to list 5 weird things about myself, even though there are far more than 5....

1. I love to watch cows run and play(frolic). I have no idea why, I just think they are way cute.

2. Little things amuse me, like using an electric pencil sharpener next to the T.V. The T.V. gets all fuzzy.

3. I don't like Kubby the Bear. Kubb Country's mascot. He is very freaky and I've had numerous nightmares about him.

4. When I eat Strawberry Short Cake I don't like to eat the strawberries on top of the short cake. It has to be seperate otherwise the shortcake gets all soggy and gross.

5. I sleep with a blanket that has silk around the edges. Started as a child, my sister and I would call it tickle. We would fold the silk into a point and rub it on our face. Very relaxing.........

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