Monday, April 30, 2007

39 Weeks...only 7 days to go!!

I am officially 39 weeks pregnant! Only 7 days to go until Michael is supposed to make his grand debut. This past Friday was my last day teaching and boy was I glad! Been very tired and have been having contractions off and on. Some will be every 5 minutes and then they jump up to every 10 minutes and back down to every 5 minutes. I have a Dr. appt on Thursday and we shall see what happens. My Dr. told me that if I am dialated nicely then we possibly could induce Saturday or Sunday. That made my day, so I have been busy walking and plan on jumping up and down on the bed!! I will do anything to help it along, well almost anything..won't drink castrol oil.
Hopefully these will be the last pregnancy pics I take. Don't you just love my farmers tan!! I was fortunate to get that on Saturday at a baseball game. If you look closely you can see Kara's feet behind me in the first picture!!

My close up.....I look like I am glowing but I really think it's what's left of my sunburn from Saturday!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Wayne!!

Happy Birthday to the most wonderful husband and father!! Today is Wayne's 29th birthday.
We are planning on celebrating Saturday with pizza, friends and family. Kara and I got him a T.V. for the garage..........I keep telling myself he won't use it to escape me and my "chores" that I ask him to do!
Kara and Daddy at the zoo!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Another 3D ultrasound!!

I was lucky enough to get to see Michael again today during a 3D ultrasound!! Of course he was being somewhat stubborn and had his foot in front of his face. Finally after some poking and prodding from the tech he let us get a side profile!!

Michael with his foot in front of his face
You can see his toe nails in this pic...
My cute Michael William!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tunnel of Fun!!

Kara really loves to play with her caterpillar tunnel she got from the Rawlings for her birthday! She has now started to walk in it and make it stand up instead of crawl through it. Hope you enjoy the pics of my crazy, yet beautiful girl!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Ok, so many of you have heard me so many times stress about Kara not eating her veggies. We've tried everything, from hiding them in other dishes (she finds them), offering them to her with every meal (won't eat until they aren't on her plate), and giving her ranch dressing to dip them in. On a rare occasion she will munch on a baby carrot or two and I finally got her to eat mashed potatoes....however I wanted her to eat more of a variety. Searching around on the internet I came across other parents with the same concerns, yes I know, I am not the only one like I thought!! Anyways many parents suggested adding the veggies into a muffin recipe. I searched and searched and didn't find a recipe where I had everything handy at the current time so I bought a Betty Crocker (gotta love Betty) muffin mix in an apple cinnamon flavor. I grated 1 carrot up and added it along with the water. I made mini muffins so they would be easier for her to handle. This was just too easy I thought....15 minutes later they were done baking and now was the test....would Kara like them. JACK POT!!! She not only ate 1 but asked for seconds. I know this is only with carrots but I am hoping to try it with sweet potatoes, zucchini, and possibly spinach.
Don't they look cute and tastey!
Kara munching on a veggie/fruit muffin! Psst...don't tell her about the carrots!!

Applegate Zoo

With Michael's arrival right around the corner, we decided to take Kara out for some quality time with Mommy and Daddy. We started at the park near our house and then made our way to the zoo at Applegate Park. Kara was very excited and kept making monkey noises all the way there. She was fascinated with all the animals at our tiny zoo, especially the birds and the monkeys. We had a wonderful family outing today!!

A Day at the Park

I am trying this new Clique-a-gram that I saw on another blog, Sally's good friend Jen's blog. I am still learning how to use it but enjoyed putting this one together.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

36 weeks

Today officially marks week 36 of my pregnancy. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my little man. It is even harder and harder to sleep at night and get out of bed in the morning. I'm sure Kara would love for my tummy to be back to normal again.....she doesn't fit well lying on the couch in front of me....gets very upset about that! Kara pretending to be "night night" in the baby's moses basket! We used this with her and it once held her stuffed animals too. I think she is trying to tell us that it is still hers!!
36 weeks.....only 28 more days to go!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter at Grandma and Papa's...

We had lots of fun at grandma and papa's. Granny and Grandpa were there along with Tim, Corinna, Chelsea, Scarlett, Trevor, Uncle Billy, and Lacey. Kara can finally climb the ladder to the slide all by herself and isn't afraid to slide down. We had a nice yummy lunch and then the kids searched for eggs again. The older ones searched for real eggs and Kara hunted the much easier plastic eggs (filled with yummy goodies)! Enjoy the pics....
She barely stopped playing to pose for a pic with mommy....notice the look "ahh mom, let go"!!
Granny made some yummy cupcakes on ice cream cones!!

Kara's very full basket of "goody" filled eggs!

I managed to sneak a pic of Wayne and Billy!

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! We started off our day at home with Kara hunting eggs in the house. Of course with each egg that she found she had to open it up before putting it in her basket. Daddy then took Kara outside to chase bubbles from her new bubble blower. We then headed over to Grandma and Papa's for lunch and more Easter egg fun with the cousins.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

More baby shower pics

I have finally been able to post more pics of the shower....

The beautiful cake.......with my barn on it
Madison and I. It's been a long time since I've held one this small...

The center pieces.....I actually painted them..

C.C. and I
Michaels afghan made by Granny JoAnn