Saturday, January 27, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday to our "Sweet Pea"

Two years ago today Kara was preparing to make her entrance into our lives. I was admitted into the hospital at 7am and they started the induction at 8am. 15.5 hours later Kara was born!! It was a long and tiring day, but soo worth it. My first thoughts were "oh she is so tiny!" I remember when I was finally alone in my room after Wayne, my mom, and sister had left, they brought Kara to me. I was very tired, it was around 2:30am, the nurse placed her in my arms and after I was settled she left me alone with my precious baby girl. I looked into her face and called her my little "Sweet Pea" I promised to be the very best mommy in the world and told her she didn't know how much she was loved by her mommy and daddy. Those first hours with my Sweet Pea will forever remain in my memory among the countless others that have joined them. I can't believe how much Kara has grown and changed in the past 2 years, and I know this is only the beginning..........

The first picture taken of Kara Mae

Kara's 1st hospital picture, she looked like a doll.

A more recent picture of Kara, wearing mommy's shoes!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Just some fun pics.....

Apparently flower pots are comfortable to rest in....

Look at that face......

ahhhh........Kara loves Roxy's bed as much as Roxy does

First, she likes to torture Roxy as she sleeps.......

then decides to read her a bedtime story.

Our Denim Beauties

Kara's good friends, Rachel and Charlotte came over a couple of Saturdays ago for some good ol' fun. Apparently they must have called eachother and planned their outfits!! Couldn't get Kara to sit long enough to snap a picture, but we managed to get some cute ones anyways! Enjoy!!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Little Michael

I was very lucky to have a 3D Ultrasound today for free!!! It helps having connections to the right people. Thanks to my sister Corinna!! Here are some photos of our little Michael William. He kept opening his mouth a lot, one of them almost looks like a smile! In the bottome two photos he is waving HI and scratching his face with his toes(very bottom)!! It was amazing to see him in 3D!

Cute Pics.....

This is how I found Kara one morning after she wandered into the living room.

Kara was helping me make goodies for Christmas....she had to wear an apron like mommy!

Playing horsy with daddy!!

She has some big shoes to fill....

Kara fell asleep in Wayne's desk chair today....too cute

Snow???? In Merced???

Wayne made a trip to the mountains Christmas Eve and brought snow home for the kids!! Kara and I built a snowman before everyone arrived Christmas Eve. Actually I built the snowman and Kara ate the snow or ice as she calls it. Regardless, she had a blast with it and didn't want to come inside, even with her red cold hands and nose!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Welcome 2007!!!!
Animations provided by

I wish everyone a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
I also am very excited that Wayne finally felt the baby move. My baby boy always seems to move like crazy right when I get in bed. Wayne felt 2 pretty good kicks or punches last night. I love sharing those special feelings with him!